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Why Choose Us
Production Capabilities

We have four production bases in Hubei, Henan, Vietnam and Malaysia, forming a robust multi-site manufacturing network. This synergy allows for efficient production and flexible supply, ensuring high-quality and reliable products. Each base offers unique advantages, complementing each other to create a comprehensive production system.

We continuously optimize our processes to maintain stable product quality, short delivery cycles, and the flexibility to meet changing customer demands. This strategic layout and coordination have earned us a strong reputation, showcasing our leading position and expertise in the industry.

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Service Capabilities

Our Field Application Engineer (FAE) team brings extensive domain knowledge and rich experience, providing highly personalized and customized solutions. Through deep technical insights and innovative thinking, our FAE team excels in demand analysis, solution design, and technical support.

Adhering to lean manufacturing principles, we optimize production processes, utilize automated equipment, and implement intelligent management to ensure high-efficiency production and timely delivery. Our efficient delivery team and rapid response mechanism swiftly meet customer needs, guaranteeing high-quality product delivery.

We are committed to providing an exceptional service experience and professional product delivery to our clients.

Manufacturing Capabilities
We are dedicated to leading the transformation and upgrade of smart factories, realizing the vision of intelligent manufacturing, and helping our clients achieve outstanding production efficiency and quality standards.
These capabilities and data demonstrate our excellence in intelligent manufacturing, efficient production, and unwavering pursuit of product quality and process control. As your partner, we will continually innovate to provide you with professional, high-level services, helping you achieve greater success.
Impressive Production Capacity

We offer remarkable production capabilities, with a monthly capacity of 6 million OSA units, 250,000 digital modules, and 300,000 data communication modules, ensuring efficient and high-quality product supply to our customers.

Automation and Advanced MES System

Automation is crucial in our production processes, with a coverage rate of over 90%. Our advanced MES system enables comprehensive production control, including product records, reverse traceability, auxiliary material control, yield alarms, error-proofing at critical stages, and prevention of mixed materials. Key process MES coverage reaches 100%, and overall process MES coverage is at 80%, ensuring visualized and efficient management of the production process.

Stringent Quality Assurance

We are committed to product quality, with every product undergoing rigorous 100% temperature cycling and aging tests to ensure stable and reliable quality, meeting high industry standards.

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Manufacturing Process

Our company excels in complete OEM and ODM services, covering chip packaging, TO, SMT, COB, OSA, and module production. We offer comprehensive production lines that provide end-to-end services, including product design, manufacturing, and quality control. Whether you need specific processing or complete module production, we deliver high-quality, customized solutions to meet your needs.

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